If you are in the market to buy a new luggage, you must decide between the two major types you are likely to discover. You should determine whether you would want soft side luggage or the molded hard-side luggage that are quite popular recently. As they both are really great options, you will almost feel overwhelmed before arriving at the buying decision. To stay cool while buying your desired luggage for travel , whether soft or hard case luggage, you must try exploring the perks and drawbacks of both the types. This article will discuss hard side versus soft side luggage that will guide in your purchasing decision. Soft-sided luggage, though, continues to lead the market, the hard-sided counterpart is quickly gaining popularity due to lightweight and newer materials. The samsonite Soft-sided luggage Soft-sided luggage is typically of fabrics that can move and stretchy, normally a woven nylon fabric, like ballistic nylon or Cordura. Ballistic is the smooth and shinier of the two an...